Delivering Results for Our Community
The Coalition was established in 1984. We are supported by dedicated volunteers,
local businesses, community leaders, Faith Based Organizations, school officials,
members of Law Enforcement.
We are partnered with several agencies such as SADD (Saints Against Destructive Decisions)
in the West Feliciana Middle and High Schools, MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
Capital Region Transportation Safety Coalition, Destination Zero Deaths, and Safety Place, are integral parts of our program.
Age appropriate alcohol and drug education programs, speakers and information are offered throughout the year.
Our mission is to educate and inform children and families in our community about the dangers of drug and alcohol use and the importance of making good choices. We feel prevention is the key to this success!
We encourage everyone to join our team in the fight against drug and alcohol abuse.
Parents and other adults have the greatest influence on the lives of young people. It is the duty of every adult to ensure that our children grow up to be happy, productive, drug-free adults themselves. Parents should do all they can to create an environment where young people steer clear of dangerous drugs and illegal situations.
The teenage brain goes through enormous changes and alcohol can seriously damage the growth processes. Damage from alcohol at this time can be irreversible.
Let’s Make Prevention of Drug & Alcohol Use our Number One Priority
In Our Homes, In Our Schools, In Our Community